Saturday, 18 February 2012


Those illustrations are eye-catching, simplistic very colourful and include real images of vegetables. Every page has sustainable look and feel.

Appealing to young audience as well as enjoyed by adults. Clear Typography as well as line spacing allows easy and pleasant reading.

Educational and enjoyable series of books that introduce children to healthy way of living: ex.

"Mingo Mung Story & Seed Pack"

This book introduces children to: a cycling mung-bean, a firm fenugreek mother, a cheesed-off cauliflower, a broad-bean barista, a chicken-tending marrow, and a stir-fry of other veg-characters.
Before looking at that secret seed society website I already had in mind mixing real images with drawn pictures to form a collage.


How to grow Strawberries?

....initial idea....

....turned into this:

How to Grow Carrots?

In both designs I have considered :
-balance between image and text, continuity and flow across those two spreads, the age group of the audience as well as appropriate type of illustrations

I have created simple step-by step guide on how to grow strawberries and carrots with an educational aspect of the guide by adding some facts about strawberries and carrots. Next pages would contain simple recipes followed by other fruits and vegetables to make a collection. The font I have used is Sassoon San Slope 12pt. for the body and Chalkboard for titles giving visual hierarchy. 

Enlarging the word: GROW emphasises its meaning.I have kept balance without overwhelming on information. Adding real images gives the information more appealing look for the audience between 5-7 years old. Bright colours will catch the eye of a child and it fits with the theme also. 

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