Tuesday, 27 March 2012


After my presentation and brief tutorial I have been thinking about my idea to be approached in slightly different way.
The reason being, perhaps is that although I want to create a rhyme book I still need to be careful about the message I want to convey, yet I need to emphasise the fact that foraging for mushroom doesn't have to be scary and can be VERY safe -providing that all rules are applied.

So, I have decided to create double page spread with the picture that depicts reality mirrored by same picture but hand drawn and more child-friendly. I think that this approach will allow for broader understanding and learning, as well as being inquisitive about the world of mushrooms! I have not come accross this idea anywhere and wonder if it will work....
And as I have mentioned during my presentation, I will create an additional feature:like a pocket size book emphasising what mushrooms children can find in the woods - the book will have pictures of real representation of these mushrooms or a page with hide and reveal mushrooms, perhaps followed by spare empty pages for children to write or draw what else they have found or seen in the woods or even interactive puzzles.

In a way this mushroom rhyme book will be one belonging to the whole collection of other books with similar theme for example: about berries, or nuts or even edible creatures you can find by the sea.

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