Monday, 30 April 2012


I have been working towards the end product now. Improved details from User testing questionnaires but there is a matter of an owl. One person mentioned to design different owl, so I did - much simplified. 
I have spoken to few children including my own about the outcome and it was not approved. Saying that I do agree with them.... I have realised that the owl in my previous post looks too scary and uninviting, therefore I have decided to go back to my previous on - the one from user testing, add few missing lines and changed colours - and the results are much better. Pleasant looking owl. So here it is:


When I printed the cover the brown tree that covers the spine looks too washed out, therefore I have made a change by covering the spine in red block of colour; the outcome of it is much presented and visible type. 
The back page - I have changed the font from Noteworthy to Gabriola at 22pt - in my opinion it looks more appealing and the roundness of the letters give the impression of an autumn wind movement. The book cover will have a widow pop-up at the bottom left hand corner:

As the reader opens the window he/she will see the mushrooms:

I have created the above page with the use of the photoshop. I wish I could take my own pictures! Unfortunately that is one of the constraint...time scale.

PAGE 1 & 2

PAGE 3 & 4

PAGE 5 & 6

PAGE 7 & 8

As additional features, I have already mentioned that I will produce cards - in a form of pocket booklet, easy to carry to the wilderness. There will be 2 kinds - the red cards and the green cards. Red of course will give a warning and it will mean that this particular mushroom is poisonous, green on the other hand are edible mushrooms. All spiral bound. 


If times permits I would like to create at least one page of flaps with pictures of mushrooms. As they open the back of them will be coloured red or green - AGAIN EMPHASISING THEIR EDIBILITY and they will contain facts on the revealed spot.

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